Make referrals easier, for those who matter most.
We help doctors find doctors, to help you.
How it works
Make the right referral, faster
Telereferrals sent through our platform go directly to the specialist and their scheduling team. No need to wait on the phone or fax.
Create physician relationships
Discover specialists through a customizable physician app. Enhanced search makes it easier for referring doctors to find and connect with the right expertise.
Loop in patients
Patients receive your doctor’s profile by text, feel involved in their care, and are better informed when they show up for the appointment.
our clients
We partner with some of the largest and most innovative healthcare organizations to give doctors direct access to high-quality specialists.
31% increase in referral volume
In a client case study, community physicians referred 31% more often with the Flare app.
90% conversion to appointment
In the same study, 90% of Flare referrals were booked as appointments.
5X as many referrals
Clients providing referral transparency using our app get 5X as many referrals as those who just provide a directory.
“This is the most valuable thing I’ve been presented since starting at [health system].”
— Referring Physician, Philadelphia, PA
“All the work you’ve done is much appreciated! Anything to help us do our work faster is better.”
— Call Center Scheduler, Academic Medical Center, Chicago, IL
“Flare Health is one of the best vendors we’ve ever worked with. Very collaborative!”
— VP, Medical Group, Health System, Chicago, IL